HELSINGBUTT is a short-term project funded by the Vision Fund (Visionsfonden) through Helsingborg City that aims to have a long-term impact by:
-Cleaning up the streets from cigarette butts and exhibit them by creating an art sculpture that will give an idea of how big is the problem as we will calculate the cigarette butts collected.
-Informing and educating citizens about the important facts of this type of litter.
-Changing the attitude and behaviour of citizens towards this problem and this can only happen by working together.
In 2019, Sweden found that almost 80 percent of litter thrown on the ground are cigarrette butts or discarded snus. Unfortunately, Helsingborg is no exception and this type of litter is common in parks, bus stops and on the street.
-Cigarette butts can take 5 to 12 years to fully biodegrade.
-Plastic pieces threaten marine life as these creatures mistake cigarrette litter as food.
-The chemicals found in one cigarette butt can contaminate approximately 7.5 liters of water within one hour.
- A dirty city attracts insecurity and increases the crime rate.